Stage 2 Drought Conditions

The McKinney Water District Board of Directors has declared a Stage 2 Drought Response. This also includes all Stage 1 requirements.
Below is a brief description of Designated Irrigation days and New Construction Landscaping.
Designated Irrigation Days
Properties with street addresses ending in an even number may irrigate only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; properties with street addresses ending in an odd number may irrigate only on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. There will be no irrigation permitted on Saturday. An individual irrigation zone in a property’s irrigation system shall not irrigate more than 30 minutes per day, unless the zone is irrigated exclusively by drip or other low-flow irrigation system.
New Construction Landscaping
Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, water used for irrigating landscaping for new construction shall be limited to new landscap9ingpolanted to comply with the Tahoe regional Planning Agency’s Best Management Practices (BMP’s) defensible space, or for any other reason, as follows:
· Newly planted sod will be exempt for forty-five (45) days from the date it was installed.
· Seeded lawns, whether by hydro-seed or other means, will be exempt for sixty (60) days from the date of application.
· Bedding plants, including annuals and perennials, will be exempt for fifteen (15) days from the date of planting.
The property owner, or his/her designee, must notify the District verbally or in writing to obtain an exemption for the establishment of new vegetation as outlined above.
Stage 1 Drought Response
· Prompt repair of water leaks in irrigation or plumbing systems
· Use of potable water that results in flooding or runoff in gutters, streets, or onto the adjacent property is not allowed
· Automatic shutoff valves or nozzles will be used whenever a hose is used for cleaning vehicles, boats, and/or campers.
· Automatic shutoff valves or nozzles will be used whenever a hose is used for cleaning or clearing walkways, patios, decks, windows, driveways, parking areas, or improved areas, whether paving or unpaved.
· All water hoses used in connection with any construction activity shall be equipped with an automatic shutoff nozzle
· The operation of irrigation systems shall be discontinued and properly winterized by November 1st every year or earlier depending on temperatures.
· Landscape irrigation controls on new construction irrigation systems (See Ordinance 2010-2 for details)
· All residential new construction shall conform with the requirements of the State of California Model Landscape Ordinance Title 23, Division 2, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 2.7 or applicable local ordinances superseding the State ordinance.
· Landscaping, lawns, and open ground must not be watered: (1) between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. (2) at any time while it is raining or snowing and/or (3) where the air temperature is less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
· Owners shall not use water in a manner that is wasteful and without reasonable purpose.
See Ordinance 2010-2 for Notice of Violations Procedures and Enforcement Costs
Please refer to Ordinance 2010-2 General Policies & Standards Water Conservation for a complete description of the Stage 2 requirements including Notice of Violation Procedures and Enforcement Costs.